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Yet Another VUWSA By-Election Called: Low voter turnout probable

Seonah Choi



NOMINATIONS FOR the third VUWSA by-election closed last week, with three candidates putting their names forward for the position of Campaigns Officer.
The campaigns position was left vacant after former exec member Kate McEachen was voted to have resigned after not attending enough meetings. Heleyni Pratley was later co-opted to serve in the position until a by-election was called.
But Pratley faces competition from two other previously unknown candidates – Alexander Neilson and Seann Paurini – who have also put their names forward.
After several complaints about disenfranchisement were made during the last election, Returns Officer Ryan Bridge says efforts are being made to fine tune the voting process. Like last time, emails will be sent to student email addresses.
However Bridge encourages any student who does not receive the email to contact VUWSA immediately.
Voting begins this Friday and continues until 27 July. A candidates forum will be held this Thursday at the Mount Street Bar from 5pm. There may be cheap drinks.