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VUWSA exec gets fresh meat

Katrine Kranstad



Surnames inspire gratuitous giggles
Two new VUWSA exec members have been co-opted to fill the still-warm Women’s Rights Officer (WRO) and Education Officer (Welfare) portfolios.

Jenna Butt and Georgina Dickson have been co-opted into the Acting WRO and Education Officer positions respectively.
Former Acting Woman’s Rights Officer Clelia Opie had her co-option rescinded after threatening to hurt and kill exec members and making over $4000 worth of phone calls to psychic hotlines, and former Education Officer (Welfare) Chris Renwick resigned earlier this month to focus on his studies.
Dickson’s motivation for taking on a representative role is her critical view of the efforts of former WROs. She says “Caroline [Prendergast] did a reasonable job last year“, and believes she knows more about women’s issues than Opie after hearing her campaign speech last year.
Dickson has a strong vision for what she would like to achieve in the WRO role, including highlighting the importance of Women’s Day, improving the feminist library and creating a child-friendly environment on campus. She also hopes to make the annual Women’s Festival “more enjoyable and political” and make more people aware of the activities.
In her new role as Acting Education Officer (Welfare) Butt wishes to spread the word about the services VUWSA has for students, and wants to increase awareness about current welfare initiatives, in conjunction with Welfare Vice-President Heleyni Pratley.
Both Dickson and Butt intend to run for their current positions in the upcoming VUWSA by-election.