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University Stock Market

Nicola Kean



Vice-Chancellor Pat Walsh shoots up eight points this week, for a superbly organised Study at Vic day. Despite the old and jaded student media types having to dodge annoying and noisy 17 and 18 year olds on the overbridge, Pat gets points for the free sausages. And the band. And those cool bags that they gave out.
Director of Public Affairs Jude Urlich also moved up in the markets this week, after she announced she would be moving on to greener pastures at the end of the year. We’ve had our differences over the years, but it’s always nice to be spun at with a pleasant smile and a peppy tone. Her example gives us hope that one day, we too will escape the University.
VUWSA President Nick Kelly drops 167 points for supplying Salient with decaffeinated coffee and assuming we wouldn’t notice. Fie on you!
National Radio’s Nine Till Noon host Kathryn Ryan drops a gazillion points this week for accusing Salient, on air, of being attention seeking when we were actually just trying to be funny. What happened to you, Kathryn? You used to be cool.
And finally, the markets rewarded DebSoc for taking home the “Joynt Scroll” at the New Zealand Universities Prepared Debating Champs, moving up 104 points. The team, made up of Hugh McCaffrey, Polly Higbee and Lewis Holden, kicked some Dunedin ass to take out the top prize, which hasn’t graced Victoria’s trophy cabinet since 2003. Michael Mabbett and Stephen Whittington also received awards.