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The prices on the bus go up and up

Nicola Kean



THE WELLINGTON Regional Council is about to increase bus prices, with the fare between the Kelburn and Pipitea campuses increasing by fifty percent.
As of 4 September, the minimum bus fare will be increasing from $1.00 to $1.50, except on the ‘Golden Mile’ from Courtney Place to the Railway Station.
While the price on the Pipitea to Kelburn route may be increasing by 50 cents, there will be no improvement of services on the route – so don’t expect an end to overcrowded buses anytime soon.
Anthony Cross from the Regional Council says bus fares have not been increased since 2000, and there a number of reasons for the rise. The increased price of petrol is just one justification, he says.
However, the Council maintains that Wellington bus services are still “good value for money.”