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The Big Day Out

Tessa Prebble



Obviously 300 words isn’t enough to give justice to such an event. So I’ll just highlight my faves of the day. In no particular order:
Le Tigre (three women, one of whom looks like a particularly good looking man) rocked! And I’m glad they did, because I missed The Hives to see them. Le Tigre brought their blend of Feminist Electro punk to the stage with exuberance and semi-matching sequined outfits. Everything you’ll ever need on stage.
Hailing from Minneapolis, hip hop group Atmosphere were fantastic! They only drew a small crowd, but that had nothing to do with their skill, and more to do with the fact that the Beastie Boys’ set started half way through Atmosphere’s.
Seeing as we are talking about them, The Beastie Boys were amazing! It was such a polished, and tight performance that even if you had been living in a bubble you could tell these guys were seasoned pros.
The Polyphonic Spree provided all the happiness and sense of wellbeing of a visit to church without ever getting God involved. I had the feeling, as I left their set early to catch The Streets, that I would regret the decision to do so, and I did. They make music the way it was meant to be made. Everyone in that tent was smiling.
The Donnas were just down and out hot! The drummer (also known as Fez’s psycho girlfriend in That 70s Show) went wild, flinging her hair around and sweating up a storm. It’s great when an all-girl band kicks ass!
The Blues Explosion, where those who didn’t want to brave the claustrophobic Chemical Brothers set went, was also amazing. Blues and rock combined to make a perfect end to a long, and music filled day.
This, I am ashamed to say, was my first Big Day Out, but after this year, it sure isn’t going to be my last.
The Big Day Out
Friday 21st January
Ericsson Stadium, Auckland