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Thank you.

James Robinson

Online Only


It’s been a great year.
I’ve just read the last page, and done up a table of contents. I don’t like doing that, so I’m glad that’s over. Soon, I’ll spend a couple of hours making corrections on the Master file, and it’ll get shipped up to Tauranga and then I would have delivered number 26 into the sweaty little hands of the student body.
Thank you to everybody who’s made this magazine what it has been. It’s been an INSANE year. And aside from one noticable critic, thanks to everyone who has given us such awesome feedback. The pleasure was all ours.
Student media remains one of the last bastions of purely free speech, capturing the eye of the public and remains outside of the influence of the mainstream. And I’m glad I didn’t disgrace myself in the face of Salient’s tradition of excellence. And coming to think of it, I’m also glad that I won a student press award for churning out over 10,000 words of feature on VUWSA. It wasn’t always easy. I’ll think of you Nick, as I muse over my six month Listener subscription.
I never ever contemplated the end.
I’ll probably be at the bar. And not the University one you jackass.
Today: the Union building?
Tomorrow: Dole queue?
Peace at you biatches. J-rizzle signing out from Production 2006.
End transmission.