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Te Kaichakahaere O Ngai Tauira

Paraniha Walker



HEI AHA ngā mahi o Ngai Tauira i tēnei tau? Kua mahi ki te whakakaha i ngā hononga aa-roto i te whare wānanga nei, arā te Student Union Building, VUWSA, Salient, Te Herenga Waka Marae, Te Kawa a Māui, te tari o te PVC Māori, ngā kaimahi Māori me ngā roopu tauira Māori (Ngā Taura Umanga rāua ko Ngā Rangahautira). Kua puta mai he hua pai mō ngā tauira Māori katoa.
Whai atu i ngā kōrerorero me te Student Union Building kua whiwhi mātou i tētahi tari hou me te wāhi o te Student Union Building mō Te Huinga. Big ups to Rainsforth & staff! Kei te mahi hoki a Ngai Tauira ki te taha o te Māori Working Party ki te tipu haere i ngā whakaritenga mahi ki nga tauira Māori. Kei te mahitahi a Ngai Tauira rāua ko VUWSA ki te whakahua ētahi tikanga e pā ana ki te MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). Ko te wawata me haere whakamua mātou kia kaua e hoki whakamuri. Kua neke atu mātou mai i ngā mahi uaua o muri kia taea e ngā roopu nei ki te mahitahi.
Kei te whakaetia e Ngai Tauira rāua ko Salient kia tuku kōrero atu a Ngai Tauira kia Salient ia wiki tuatoru mō ngā whārangi Māori. Ko LeRoy Crawford te kaimahi pāho o Ngai Tauira (crawfolero@student.vuw.ac.nz). Tēnei te mihi atu ki a James mā mō tēnei mahi. Kei te mahitahi a Ngai Tauira, Te Herenga Waka rātou ko Te Kawa a Māui mō ngā tauira Māori. Kua whiwhi mātou he māngai i te Marae Working Party me te Komiti Kapa Haka kia taea e mātou te kite i ngā mahi mō te wāhi kainga o ngā tauira me te kapa haka. Kei te mahi hoki a Ngai Tauira me ngā roopu tauira katoa, arā a VUSWA, PILS, NR, NTU, PGSA i runga i te kaupapa o te “Review of the Services to Maori and Pacific students at Pipitea Campus”.
He taumaha te mahi o te kaiwhakahaere i tēnei tau ki te whai i ngā hua pai mō tātou tauira Māori. Kua whawhai tonu mātou ki ngā kōrero patupatu o ētahi o ngā tāngata e pīrangi ana ki te whakaiti i a Ngai Tauira me ngā māngai mō ngā tauira Māori. Kua tipu ake ano mātou mai i te raru o te mahi o Wi Nepia me ngā putea o Ngai Tauira me te tapahia o te karahipi o Manaaki Tauira. He mihi aroha, he mihi tautoko tēnei ki te kaiwhakahaere hou o Ngai Tauira mō te tau e heke mai nei. Ko te tumanako kua mahi kaha kua mahi pai mātou mō ngā tauira i roto i a mātou mahi.
INTERNAL RELATIONSHIP building has been a major focus for Ngai Tauira over the past year. Creating positive relationships with the Student Union Building, VUWSA, Salient, Te Herenga Waka Marae, Te Kawa a Māui, the Office of the PVC Māori, Māori staff and our other Māori student roopu has resulted in progress and development for Māori at Victoria.
Ngai Tauira have managed to secure a new office space in the Union Café and the use of the Student Union Building for Te Huinga. A big thankyou to Rainsforth and her staff! Ngai Tauira is also working with the Māori Working Party developing better services for Māori students at Victoria. Ngai Tauira and VUWSA are working together to develop policies for the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). Our vision (Ngai Tauira and VUWSA) is to move our negotiations forward instead of backwards. We have moved on from the hurdles that Ngai Tauira and VUWSA faced in previous years. Although the MOU has not been signed yet, we are positive that the document will truly reflect a more honest and practical relationship.
Ngai Tauira and Salient have agreed that Ngai Tauira will contribute to every 3rd edition of Salient. LeRoy Crawford (crawfolero@student.vuw.ac.nz) is the media contact person for Ngai Tauira. Thanks go out to James and the Salient team for this positive outcome. Ngai Tauira’s voice in Salient has been long overdue and we are look forward to future publications.
It has been a hard year for the executive who have endeavoured to meet the needs of our students. We have had to weather the storm of continuous attacks and attempts by individuals to demote and take away Ngai Tauira’s status and representation for tauira Māori at Victoria. We have overcome the backlash from the Wi Nepia incident and so far we have survived the axing of Manaaki Tauira. We wish the next executive well for the coming year and hope that we have served the tauira well during our tenure.