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Submissions called for on Campus Redevelopment

Matt Jones



VICE-CHANCELLOR Pat Walsh is inviting submissions on Vic’s Campus Redevelopment Framework, which sets out the strategy for the University’s development over the next decade.
The framework proposes a complete redevelopment of the Quad, which will include food outlets, student services and a centre for post-graduate students.
However a similar central hub for the Piptea campus is unlikely to go ahead, despite the framework’s conclusion that the campus “lacks a vibrant heart”. Project Manager John Culliford says that while the campus is too disjointed to develop a central location, the movement of services to the Railway West Wing was beginning to see it become a focal point.
The Railway West Wing may even be abandoned if long term leases become too expensive.
The framework also raises the possibility of increased on-campus accommodation. Currently, the University owns accommodation amounting to 2,400 beds, most of which is off-campus. Two possible sites for new halls of residence have been identified.
It is predicted that that there will be a need for an extra 10,000 square metres of usable floor space over the next five years due to expansion in student numbers.
Three quarters of the extra space will be in new building projects, and the rest is to be made up from more efficient use of space.
Culliford says submissions from students would be helpful to the process. The closing date for submissions is 31 July and more information is available on the Vic website.