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Students Health – Exams!

Nurse Catherine



The end of the second trimester is within sight, which means there are only a few more weeks until the study and examination period.
What follows is some relevant information from members of the Student Services Group, Te Huinga Ratonga Tauira, regarding issues related to this time of year.

Student Learning Support Service (SLSS): Te Ratonga Whakapakari Pumanawa Tauira
The SLSS will be offering a range of exam related workshops from September 27 until October 11 2006. The workshops focus on:
• Revision Strategies: fi nd out ways to make revision part of your study routine so you are able to improve your understanding and improve your exam performance.
• Test and Exam Techniques: Brush up on your old strategies and learn new ones so you feel well prepared and can cope well in exams.
• Exam Essays: Now is a good time to fi ne-tune your essay writing skills for exams. Learn strategies that will help you to improve your exam grades.
Other courses, which may be of interest, include the STATS workshops, which are particularly helpful for people studying QUAN 102 and STAT 193.
There is also an effective reading course on September 20 that will show you how to improve your reading skills.
Classes are FREE and they are held at the SLSS, which is located at the Hunter Courtyard, Level 0, Kirk Wing by Gate 2, Kelburn Parade. You do not need to book, just turn up on the day. Go early so you don’t miss out!
Learning advisers are also available for individual appointments at Kelburn, Pipitea and Karori. You are welcome to schedule a time, call 463 5999.

An aegrotat is a pass (with grade “G”), which may be awarded when your preparation for, or performance in an item of assessment was impaired, or you have been prevented from attending examinations or completing assessment because of circumstances outside your control (such as illness). It is important to remember that the aegrotat system covers the last three weeks of the trimester and up to the date of your exam\\s. Students are usually encouraged to sit fi nal exams even if their performance is likely to be impaired. This is because when deciding whether or not to grant an aegrotat pass, your Faculty will also take into consideration the grades you received for your term work.

Applying for an Aegrotat
For in-term work please consult your Student Administration Offi cer to ask whether an aegrotat is appropriate for your situation.
For illness or impairment day on the day, contact your Faculty Student Administration Offi ce, the Student Health Service (SHS) or the Counselling Service (CS). You will have to see a registered health professional approved by the convener of the Academic Committee within a twenty-four hour period either side of the exam. You must report the illness, injury or distressful personal circumstances to a health professional as soon as possible. During the study and examination period the SHS and the CS extend their opening hours to help cater for students who need to be assessed for aegrotat, and who require care.
If your preparation time has been impaired you must have consulted your health professional in the three weeks before the date of the assessment\\ examination. Normally you would have to have seen your health professional more than once, including a consultation immediately after the exam or the assessment hand in date.
If you have any questions at all regarding how to apply for an aegrotat please contact your Faculty the Student Health Service or Counselling Service.

Disability Support Service (DSS): Nga Ratonga Tautoko Haua
If you are registered with the DSS please contact your Student Adviser at least ten working days before your fi rst examination, or before lectures end (whichever is fi rst). The earlier you see your Student Adviser, the easier it will be to ensure appropriate arrangements can be made by the Examination Coordinator at your faculty.
DSS is not involved with matters related to applying for an aegrotat.
DSS is available on all four campuses. To make an appointment, please either call on 463 6070, e-mail at disability@vuw.ac.nz or visit them on the Ground Floor, Robert Stout Building, Kelburn Campus.

Student Health Service (SHS): Te Ratonga Hauora Tauira
The Meningococcal B (MeNZB) Vaccination Programme concludes on December 31, 2006. From January 1, 2007 the MeNZB vaccine will no longer be available for adults. The programme was set up to combat the Meningococcal B Disease epidemic that New Zealand has been experiencing since the early 1990’s.The campaign started in South Auckland in July 2004 and was rolled out across the country. The MeNZB vaccine was offered free of charge to all young people living in New Zealand, under 20 years of age. Preliminary results show the vaccine to be 80% effective in protecting people from contracting MeNZB.
In 2005 the number of cases in under-20 year olds reduced from 213 to 82 and in 2006 to 28. Of the reported cases there have been three deaths but in only one case was the person fully vaccinated.
Those who are not immunised have a fi ve times higher risk of getting Meningococcal Disease compared to those who are vaccinated. For every 100 people who contract meningococcal disease four will die, and twenty will be left with some degree of serious disability such as brain damage, deafness, loss of limbs or damaged skin. Others will be left with learning or behavioural diffi culties.
The MenzB campaign started at Victoria University in May 2005, and to date over 2000 students have received 6000 shots. This is a great response, however, there are a number of students who have not completed their course of three shots, which are critical and essential to achieve adequate protection. Since our campaign began there have been two cases of meningococcal disease related to VUW students. Neither student had been vaccinated. We do not wish there to be any more cases. We strongly urge students who have yet to complete their MeNZB course to visit Student Health or your own health centre to do so. As long as you received your fi rst shot when you were 19 years of age you are eligible to complete the course.
Vaccinations available without an appointment every Tuesday and Thursday 8.30 – 4pm at Student Health, Kelburn or if that is not suitable make an appointment for another day or another campus.
Take care at this challenging time of year. Try to keep things in perspective and remember that the summer break is not too far away. I am wishing you all the best.