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REVIEW: K K Malaysian Restaurant

Jess Clayton



K K Malaysian Restaurant, 54 Ghuznee St, 385 6698
There is no doubt in my mind that going to K K Malaysian is one of the highlights of returning to Wellington. I’ve no idea what the K K stands for, so let’s go with Kickass Kai. Need I say more? Apparently so…
K K is one of many Malaysian establishments in Wellington where a decent feed can be had for less than $10. However, as it is a personal favourite of mine, I will now display my unashamed devotion to this restaurant.
Situated in its small Ghuznee Street premises, K K Malaysian produces scrumptious and amazingly cheap Malaysian food for one and all. I’d recommend going for anything of the ‘sambal’ variety – chicken or seafood cooked in a sweet and sour chilli sauce with tomatoes and onions. Served with rice, Prawn Sambal ($13.50) wins in my books, but Fish Sambal ($10.50) and Chicken Sambal ($9.50) are also a hit.
Other highlights from the menu include Kung Po beef ($9.50) – beef stir-fried in chilli, onion and peanuts in a rich sauce; Beef Rendang ($8.50) – a dry, fragrant curry with lots of coconut; or any of the Laksas ($8 – $9.50) – noodles, seafood and tofu in a coconut cream soup. Traditional Malaysion favourites such as Mee Goreng, Nasi Goreng, and Roti Chanai are also good.
Vegetarians are well provided for at K K. All vego dishes are $8, and I have it on good authority that Mee Goreng is the way to go (egg noodles stir-fried with veges and tofu in Malaysian spices).
One drawback arises in that K K is not licensed, so alcoholic fun cannot be combined with the gluttony that will ensue at K K. But I don’t care, and neither should you. K K is a great place to dine before a movie or gig, when hostel food is shite, or you just can’t be arsed cooking. Yay!