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My Favourite Play – The Peculiar Case of Clara Parkins

Jaimee Staurt



This has to be the world famous in Christchurch, The Peculiar Case of Clara Parkins that was held at the wonderful venue Creation Arts Space (the grooviest little converted cinema in the city). I did a search for all the info on the net, but alas, it seems that it only exists in my memory now. It was the story of two sisters, one dim but happy, the other smart and spiteful, who both fall in love with the same man. It was a really wonderful mix of visuals and live action, with characters often interacting with video that was projected on all the walls around the audience, so that we were literally ‘in’ the play. In general the technical effects were brilliant, the acting was great and the script was fabulous. Hopefully it makes its way back to audiences somehow…