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It’s ranting time

Paul Brown



Well, it’s tempting to write about why I have decided to run for Education Vice President, but I won’t, as that would be an inappropriate use of the Welfare column, so instead I’m going to write about the AGM and the candidate I’ll be voting for on 21 September.
Having been in VUWSA for near 8 weeks now has given me an interesting insight as to what students needs really are and how tough some students have it. The Welfare portfolio is one that has had a high turnover in executive, and this needs to end and this is one of many reasons I know whom I am going to vote for. Students need someone who is dedicated to the role, someone who is active and not all lip service, therefore my vote this year will be going to Melissa Barnard.
Mellissa has been Clubs Officer for the past two years and knows the ins and outs of this Association. When I discovered Mellissa was running for this position I decided I wasn’t going to stand against her – simply because she is the person for the job in 2008, and I can turn my attention to a portfolio that needs restoration.
One thing I have always thought about VUWSA elections is that it is impossible to elect a good team based on the limited competition for places – after all, there’s not much interest in slaving yourself off for $60 a week. For this reason I sometimes worry about the welfare of some of the people in this office, as there is little reward and no thanks for the work you do. Take for example the recent Muppets flier distributed by the ‘A’ Team (A for arsehole in my books). It was a truly misinformed piece of rubbish and I laughed it off, but the full time staff were truly offended by it – and you should ask yourself, what will the relationship between the ‘A’ Team and staff be like next year? What’s often not reported on is the good work done by our full time staff who commit themselves fully to the students of Victoria University. I guess it’s not sensational enough, but to all the staff I extend my gratitude for the work you do.
The VUWSA annual general meeting (AGM) happens on 19 September in Mount Street bar and café from 1pm, and there will be drink specials for anyone who attends! In fact there will be $3 cans of Speight’s and $4 Midori and punch. The AGM is the perfect opportunity for you to have your say about the association and how we operate.
Anyway, sometime soon I may have some columns supplied by Student Services which will be more then useful for all who want to read them (hint hint Student Services, even though I know you’re a busy bunch). So have a good week, enjoy your studies and be active in the coming VUWSA elections and AGM.