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Claire McEntee



Victoria University staff and students have been awarded six Bright Futures Top Achiever Doctoral Scholarships, worth almost $1 million in the latest round of awards under the government-funded scheme.
Three Vic students – Julia de Bres, Andrew Mahoney and Kyle Chard – received scholarships to study at Vic – worth more than $265,000 in total.
Two students – Kirsten McEwen and Mina Razzak – and Law Lecturer Caroline Morris received scholarships to study at overseas universities, worth over $730,000 in total.
A further two Vic students – Rachel Ryan and Jared Thomas – were awarded Bright Future Enterprise Scholarships worth more than $52,000 in total.
Forty-seven students nationwide received the scholarships; administered by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and collectively worth about $6 million.