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Hayward will take pay cut if re-elected

Laura McQuillan



VUWSA President Geoff Hayward last week declared he would halve his salary if re-elected, in an attempt to prove he wants the job more than his opponents.
Hayward made the comment at a meeting of Vic’s Debating Society (Debsoc), at which the three President candidates addressed the club on what they can do for students and clubs, and why they should get their votes.
When challenged to hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) next year, if elected, to halve his salary, Hayward said it was “for students to make that call.”
“It’s the same way as students have to make the call for a $25 refund at a Special General Meeting. I think people are starting to get confused when you make suggestions. It’s up to students to make those decisions. I am happy to have my pay halved by students, and it illustrates the point that I can dedicate myself to this job with passion and not about being here for money.”
Witnesses have described salary-cut statement as an embarrassing slip of the tongue.
Hayward challenged his opponents, current Education Vice President Joel Cosgrove and A-Team candidate Lukas Schroeter, to also declare they would take the pay cut.
Cosgrove said he’s struggling as is to get by on 20 hours salary a week for 40 hours work, and pointed out that his shoes are held together with tape, so he needs the pay.
Schroeter said he doesn’t feel the need to make statements like Hayward’s to justify why he wants the job, and says he wouldn’t expect any members of the A-Team, if elected, to take pay cuts, as they would have to give up other part-time work to do so.
Hayward told Salient rather than halving his pay, Cosgrove has suggested donating half to Vic’s rep groups. Hayward says he is currently looking into the proposition.