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Handle the Jandal

Bea Turner



Radio Active’s annual Handle the Jandal awards ceremony was held at the Embassy recently, once again celebrating low budget excellence in local music videos. Salient Music Editors Beatrice Turner and Hateful Chris were in attendance, enjoying the Jagermeister sponsored event from the media room; both reported to be “drunk”, for the good part of proceedings. Sally Tran took out the Golden Jandal for favourite music video, for Charlie Ash’s ‘O’Baby’. Another notable win was Dean Hewison for Matthew Saville’s ‘Fuck You Orlando’, which won an award for best use of exploitative tactics and received the award to rapturous applause. The video clip shows star Matthew Saville butchering the annoyingly feminine Lord of the Rings star after Bloom had shagged his girlfriend. (Ed- The clip is awesome.)
The full list of winners was:

Favourite Music Video
Sally Tran for Charlie Ash’s ‘O’Baby’

Best Use of Exploitative Tactics
Dean Hewison for Matthew
Saville’s ‘Fuck You Orlando’

Best Editing
Filthy Joe Smoke for
The Sorecock’s ‘Lucyfer’

Best Cinematography
Mark Summerville for Battle Circus’
‘Send in the Clones’

Best Concept
Sally Tran for Charlie Ash’s ‘O’Baby’

Best Animation
Toby Donald for Boss Christ’s ‘El Bandido’

Rising Star
Ed Lust for Arkitype’s ‘Shut Eye’