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Gay Camp Review

Rachael Wright



Kia Ora, and welcome back from holidays! I hope y’all ate heaps, got some sleep, and bought all your textbooks at least three weeks in advance. As for me, I spent a good week of my time in the dirty ol’ south, at National UniQ Conference!
UniQ Victoria took a van load down, with Nathan risking his license and our lives with his ‘interesting’ driving technique, Bobby contributing an unplanned goodybag of vomit to everyone’s bags, and more enthusiastic dancing than I’ve seen in years. More importantly than all of this hilarity, however, was the amazing chance to get political with other queer students from around the country. There were students from various national universities and polytechnics, and the chance to learn from them, help them, dance with them, and force feed them crackers was definitely very inspiring.
National UniQ Conferences happen only once a year, and it was decided that the 2009 conference will take part in Wellington, which is good news for everyone interested in coming along. It also means that, even though Massey Wellington will be the primary hosts, UniQ Victoria is gonna welcome with open arms any of you hella cool people that want to help us out with conference, amongst other things.
Volunteers are the fuel to our fire, the Ike to our Tina, the Portia to our Ellen, and the Divine to our Pink Flamingoes, after all, and we’re always needing more help! So, if you wanna get involved, get free tickets to stuff, meet more attractive people than you ever imagined, and a never-ending supply of condoms (many more uses than meets the eye), then drop us an email at uniq@vuwsa.org.nz. We mean it when we say we’ll love you forever! You can also email that address if you wanna get your hands on resources from conference, and find out more about what’s happening nationally.