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Fuck Off James

Nicola Kean



Wellington Journalist and former Vic student Steve Nicoll has been appointed Salient Editor for 2007.
Currently working for a number of Wellington community newspapers as a freelancer, Nicoll has studied Journalism at Massey University and Psychology at Victoria.
Nicoll says he is interested in “what’s really going on”, rather than rewriting press releases. “What really motivates me in the media is challenging perceptions and presenting stories that the mainstream media aren’t,” he says. Salient also plays an important role in “making students aware of what’s happening in VUWSA”, he says.
Nicoll says he is currently looking over past editions of Salient, and trying to “formulate a vision”. He praises current Editor James Robinson, and says he wants to build on the strengths of 2006.
Robinson says Nicoll was an excellent candidate for the job, showing “an impressive knowledge of the practices of journalism mixed in with a high level of managerial skill.”
Nicholl says his other interests include music – he is part of the band Stevie Starr – along with tramping and drinking. Anyone with ideas about Salient 2007 are welcome to have a beer with him, he says.