Environmental Officer Tushara Kodikara described last week’s exec meeting as the most boring one so far this year, stopping short of labeling it “45 minutes of hell”.
I wasn’t actually there, but there’s conflicting evidence as to whether I missed anything good.
President Geoff Hayward said the Initial General Meeting has been moved from May 9 to May 23 at midday in the Mount Street Bar and Café. He says “the primary purpose of the IGM is to accept the Annual Report 2006, which also includes the audited accounts.”
“While 2006 may not be a great year for financial responsibility, the tabling of the report ends that chapter of VUWSA’s history.”
The date was also set for the upcoming by-election for Women’s Rights Officer and Education Officer (Welfare), for May 28-June 1, and a new Returning Officer, Pippa Strom has been appointed.
Also, Queer Rights Officer Rachael Wright text-messaged me shortly after the meeting to tell me about her discussion of poo during her exec report. “Geoff said he was glad Salient wasn’t there for it. But I thought it was vital the exec knew about the consequences of fisting.”
In conclusion, I’d have to say all signs point to yes – I missed out on the one meeting where the exec discussed a topic that matters.