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Danger Brown following up Helen Lowry horrors

Laura McQuillan



VUWSA Acting Welfare Vice President Paul Danger Brown has requested urgent meetings with Student Services following an article in Salient last week exposing questionable management practices and poor living conditions at Helen Lowry Hall.
Salient understands Brown has contacted Student Services Director Ruth Moorhouse, stressing the urgency of discussions with the University over a number of issues surrounding the hostel.
One of the main issues for Brown is Helen Lowry’s refusal of Orientation packs containing condoms.
Brown is also concerned about the volume of complaints Salient has received from Helen Lowry residents past and present, particularly surrounding living conditions and hostel management, and including invasions of privacy.
Salient understands that the conditions and management of Helen Lowry have been an ongoing issue for the University and that it is difficult for the University to take action against hostel manager Janine Arcus due to employment arrangements.
Salient will carry updates with progress of Brown’s investigations.