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Critic magazine vows to rise from the ashes

Ben Thomson



Authorities are investigating after the Otago University building housing Critic and Radio 1 Headquarters was broken into and vandalised on April 24.

On the eve of one of New Zealand’s most sacred days of remembrance, the vandals gained access to the foyer area and grand interior staircase. Posters were ripped from the walls and a box of Critics was stolen and burnt on a pathway next to the Union Lawn.
Speculation is rife among Critic staffers as to who was behind the malicious attack. Critic editor David Large wouldn’t be drawn as to the identities of the arsonists, saying instead he considered them a “bunch of cunts. Even if it was just one person, that individual is, for all intents and purposes, a bunch of cunts.”
Theories circulating pinpoint blame on the Otago Daily Times and operatives of a vast right-wing conspiracy, angry at a perceived left-wing bias of student press.
Proctor Simon Thompson said that the culprits of the most recent vandalism will be handed over to police and prosecuted for arson.
Source: ASPA