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Cricket Anyone?




The Victoria University of Wellington Cricket Club (VUWCC) has commenced pre-season training and welcomes Victoria University students to join the club.
Founded in 1906, the club is nestled on the majestic Kelburn Park, right next to the University campus and overlooking the central city. For more than a hundred years many of Wellington and New Zealand’s fi nest players and scholars have graced the Kelburn grass in the green caps of University.
The VUWCC has a proud history and celebrated its 100th anniversary in March of this year. The Club has had numerous Wellington and New Zealand representatives and reached a pinnacle in the mid-nineties when it won the National Club Championships in three consecutive years, an achievement unlikely to ever be beaten.
These days the Club is thriving with 12 teams entered for this season and a number of exciting initiatives in the pipeline. The Kelburn Park Clubrooms have been renovated and licensed, and along with the sponsorship of the Occidental, players can look forward to great times on and off the fi eld in the season ahead.
The Club caters for men and woman of all abilities and can also cater for those who do not want to commit every week, but would like to be available for the odd game.
The Club’s senior mens and womans teams are currently training at the Wellington Cricket Academy located at Westpac Trust Stadium, and these teams train from 8.30-10.15pm every Monday night. The lower grade sides are currently training at the Basin Reserve from 12pm-5pm every Sunday.
The Club understands that for many students it is diffi cult to commit to a cricket season in Wellington as many students return home for the summer break to work and save money. To this end the Club is willing to provide assistance to selected players who require work and accommodation, and we encourage people to contact us if this is a barrier to playing cricket in Wellington over the summer.
The University also offers up to six cricket scholarships to Vic students valued at $3,500 per year. Recipients are required to play for the VUWCC in order to receive the scholarship. The closing date for applications is 15 November 2006 so for more information please call our Club Chairman Colin Owens on 04 494 6404/ 0274 967 187 or by email to cdo@mccallumpetterson.com.
If you would like to play or have any questions please contact one of the following:
Men contact Club Captain Andrew Morris by email to Andrew.morris@ kensingtonswan.com or by phone on 498 0924/021 267 6184.
Woman contact Womans Co-ordinator Janet Stribling on 027 407 5726 or by email to Janet.Stribling@ correspondence.school.nz