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CHEQUE PLEASE? Tens of people left gasping as VUWSA budget delayed

Matt Jones



THE RELEASE of the VUWSA budget, due last Wednesday, has been delayed a further two weeks in order to reduce the predicted deficit.
The release of the budget is now awaiting exec decisions on cost cutting measures for the second trimester. VUWSA Treasurer Alvin Hu says some events may be scaled down, but refused to elaborate further.
VUWSA President Nick Kelly would also not be drawn on what cost-cutting measures would be undertaken. He says the decision could only be reached after each exec- member presented what could be cut in their portfolios.
While exec members were tight-lipped on the size of the deficit, Kelly says it is not considerably different from previous years. However, Kelly says continued deficits are unsustainable in the longterm and VUWSA will eventually run out of reserves.
He blames the deficit on VUWSA’s fixed income, combined with rising costs.
Kelly says that in the future there may have to be a rise in the student levy, which is currently at $99 per full time student. He said this could come in the form of a set increase or a change to an inflation adjusted student levy, both of which would need to be approved at a general meeting.