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Bar re-opens

Mary Davies-Colley



People drink, are happy
People passing through the Mount Street Bar and Café were astonished last week to see the bar open and people drinking at it.

After steep price hikes last year, the bar is having another crack at attracting customers – and succeeding.
Bar manager Mags Chalecka-Harris told Salient that a much wider range of beverages are now available at reasonable prices, including Speight’s, Tuatara, Monteith’s and Heineken beers and a range of red and white wines.
Last year the bar’s jugs became some of Wellington’s most expensive when prices rose to $12.
Last Wednesday, Speight’s jugs branded ‘East-side’ – the name by which the bar was known over a year ago – were sold for the last time, at a special price of $6.
The bar will now sell quart (745mL) bottles at $6 each.