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BOOBS attempts record for fitting ordained ministers in student bar

James Ransley



Vic has a new club promoting excessive drinking and encouraging bogan diversity.
The Brotherhood of Ordained Bogan Students, or BOOBS, says, “everyone has an internal bogan.”

The club’s executive includes Reverend Ministers of Mullets, Bogan Arts, Excessive Drinking and Recruitment, and Jewish Bogans.
Within four weeks of its operation, the club has enrolled over 100 members.
“Some of us are internal bogans, [and] some of us are more external than others,” says Reverend Minister Josh who also heads the Bogan Department of Security Measures.
The club’s membership is fairly evenly split between the genders, with Reverend Secretary Jasmine estimating a 60/40 split of male and female members.
Members are initiated through online ordination via the Universal Life Church website. Ordained members can then legally conduct weddings and funerals in 49 out of the 50 U.S. States – New York being the exception. They cannot perform baptisms.
Members also receive a ‘BOOBS rule’ t-shirt and a membership card that entitles them to beer discounts. Reverend President Paul Danger Brown says BOOBS is currently in the process of seeking sponsorship from local bars.
Rev Brown says, “this club aims to create a culture of fun at Victoria to alleviate some of the stress that comes for many students who work and study full time.”
BOOBS intends on running a safe sex workshop at the University on September 11, featuring sex paraphernalia and instructional videos. The club also has plans for Metal Fridays at the Mount Street Bar, with bands The Alphaship and Belligerence tipped to perform.
BOOBS are also working alongside Natcoll to produce a website. But for now the club promotes itself through a Bebo page.
When questioned further about what the future holds for BOOBS, Rev Brown responded, “I envision BOOBS [has] much madness…still to come.”
BOOBS invites members and non-members alike for a drink on Friday afternoons at Mount Street Bar.