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A-Team suffers defeat en-masse..

Laura McQuillan

Online Only


Recount going down: Young Labour apparently behind it
The A-Team failed to retrieve any positions on the VUWSA exec during this year’s General Election.
The results, announced moments ago, declared Joel Cosgrove as President.
Melissa Barnard and Reverend Paul Danger Brown are the Education and Welfare Vice Presidents respectively.
Alexander Neilson will return as Treasurer, as will Rachael Wright as Queer Rights Officer.
William Wu is International Officer, Georgina Dickson is Women’s Rights Officer, General Exec is Fiona McDonald, Seamus Brady, Katie De Roo, Sonny Thomas and Stefan Tyler.
Environment Officer is Mark Newton, Council Rep is Chris Bishop and the Publications Committee Reps are Matt Davis and Jordan King.
The A-Team missed out on any positions on the 2008 exec. Welfare VP candidate Anna Duggan says they won’t be commenting until Monday.
A re-count has been called for the position of Council Rep, by Young Labour candidates, according to a source.
Congrats to all candidates. Salient Issue 24 will carry the full results of the election (at time of writing, I was too beerily impaired to read the numbers.)
Oh, and apparently I got eight votes for President. Fuck yeah!