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2007 NZUSA Election Results in; Co-President Role Still Vacant

Richard Bol



The second set of NZUSA elections for the 2007 executive has reached an inconclusive result for the second Co- President position.
Neither Xavier Goldie from the Auckland University Students’ Association or Toni Spiro of the WelTec Students’ Association attained the required two-thirds voting majority.
The outcome mirrors that of the first set of NZUSA elections held at the organisation’s September conference, where none of the four candidates for the second Co-President role triumphed, but 2006 Co-President Joey Randall won a second term with overwhelming support.
However, this second set of elections, held by teleconference on October 12, did produce a definite result for the National Women’s Rights Officer (NWRO) position. Natalie Absalom of the Otago Polytechnic Students’ Association received a resounding 71 of the 78 available votes.
A further set of elections for the second Co-President position will be held in mid- November, at training for the presidents of NZUSA’s member associations.